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Chia Seed Greek Yogurt

Chia seed greek yogurt, Greek yogurt with chia seed, Greek yogurt breakfast, Yogurt breakfast, Yogurt breakfast ideas, fruity chia seed pudding, chia seed pudding with fruit, yogurt chia seed pudding, yogurt chia seed pudding with fruit, fruity yogurt chia seed pudding, Greek yogurt fruit salad, Fruit salad with yogurt, Ways to eat chia seeds, Chia pudding ideas, Chia pudding fruit, Chia pudding fruit recipe, Chia pudding ideas, Yogurt breakfast idea,

Perhaps this will be one of the quickest posts of all time, because it is certainly one of the quickest recipes of all time. Many a morning I am so strapped for time and running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everybody ready, that my own breakfast is the last thing on my mind (until my stomach starts grumbling a couple hours later). Enter the super easy chia seed Greek yogurt.

Of course, you could just eat Greek yogurt right out of the tub. A recipe isn’t exactly crucial. But if you want to jazz up your bowl in a way that is not only fast but also delicious, having a one- or two-step recipe nestled away in your mind and ready to be pulled out at the drop of a hat makes it very helpful.

Chia Seed Greek Yogurt Ingredients

Chia seed greek yogurt,
Greek yogurt with chia seed,
Greek yogurt breakfast,
Yogurt breakfast,
Yogurt breakfast ideas,
fruity chia seed pudding,
chia seed pudding with fruit,
yogurt chia seed pudding,
yogurt chia seed pudding with fruit,
fruity yogurt chia seed pudding,
Greek yogurt fruit salad,
Fruit salad with yogurt,
Ways to eat chia seeds,
Chia pudding ideas,
Chia pudding fruit,
Chia pudding fruit recipe,
Chia pudding ideas,
Yogurt breakfast idea,

It doesn’t get more simple than this: yogurt, chia seeds. Bam. That’s it! (And fruit, or whatever toppings, if you're so inclined.)

Lately I have been moving away from Forager yogurt as they have been changing their recipe and adding some new processed ingredients that I’d rather avoid. In an effort to eat completely whole food as often as possible, I’ve been using organic Greek yogurt from regenerative, sustainable (local to me) farms like Strauss, instead. The ingredients on this yogurt is simply milk, plus some probiotic strains. 

For my family members who absolutely can’t tolerate dairy, the very expensive but very delicious and totally clean ingredient Coco June brand is our fave.

While I wish I could afford to keep us all eating vegan yogurt that's also whole foods only (no processed weird ingredients), Coco June is honestly just not an investment we can make. I eat a LOT of yogurt! So the rest of us simply get the cleanest dairy possible.

As for chia seeds, I’ve yet to come across a package that contains anything other than chia seeds themselves. 

For those of you who may not have used chia seeds before, here is the deal: they need time in liquid. In this case, yogurt works fine as a liquid, and time only needs to be about ten minutes (the more you can do, the better). Chia seeds need time to soak so they can turn from crunchy to soft and gelatinous. 

What Are Chia Seeds?

Remember those fun little animals we’d get as kids, where you water them and they would grow plants as hair? Chia pets ringing a bell? Believe it or not this trendy, hipster seed that everyone is eating is not as new age as you might think.

Chia seeds go back way further than the late 20th century, though. They are the seeds of the Chia or Salvia hispanica L., a Mexican plant used by the ancient Aztecs. (If you’re looking for a good read, Born To Run is an amazing tale of a running tribe in Mexico who lived on corn and chia seeds.)

Nowadays, chia seeds have seen explosive time in the limelight as more people have found out about their powerful nutritional qualities. Very few plants can boast the omega-3 fatty acid content that chia seeds can, not to mention their fiber. 

Chia Seed Health Benefits

Yogurt: Made from fermented milk of any kind, yogurt boasts tons of calcium and probiotics. It’s a healthy base to many dishes, or an easy, nutrient-rich snack. Whether made from dairy, coconut or cashews, yogurt is one of the few foods that houses live active cultures.

Chia Seeds: Nary a flaxseed nor a hempseed can stand up to the nutritional boom of the mighty chia. These seeds carry loads of naturally-occuring omega-3s, plus fat and fiber to round out any meal and provide a great barrier against blood sugar spikes. 

How To Make Chia Seed Greek Yogurt

Toss those seeds into your yogurt, ya’ll! I wouldn’t use more than a spoon or two of chia seeds, since too many can be harsh on your tummy. You can even start a little slower with half a teaspoon or so, and work your way up.

Let the seeds sit in the yogurt for *at least* ten minutes. Overnight is better, if you can. But if you’ve forgotten about your own breakfast until the absolute last minute (ahem, me), go ahead and just give them a few moments to sit while you do something else. Like maybe chopping up some fruit!

Chia Seed Greek Yogurt Extras

I like to top my chia seed Greek yogurt with lots of yummy fruit. Fruit acts as a natural sweetener for tart, plain yogurt, especially banana, dates, or mango. Some berries are always nice, too. 

Fruit gives this quick meal an easy nutritional hike, adding in vitamins and minerals. As previously mentioned, against the yogurt (fat and protein) and chia seeds (fat and fiber), this way of eating fruit will halt your blood sugar from getting too crazy (as it likely would if you ate the fruit on its own). 

Other optional toppings include granola, coconut flakes and/or peanut butter.

Looking for more healthy and delicious breakfast ideas?

This chocolate chip granola with hazelnuts and cranberries makes a fast and delicious breakfast you can grab and go. It's crunchy, vegan, delicious and a total staple in my kitchen. It goes great on chia seed Greek yogurt, too!

View Homemade Chocolate Chip Granola Recipe

There's More To Health Than A Healthy Breakfast...

Check out my 5 top ways to improve your health that are NOT related to food and/or diet. What you consume matters a lot, yet it's definitely not the whole picture!

View 5 Best Ways To Improve Your Health

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Difficulty Beginner
Prep Time: 1 min Cook Time: 10 mins Total Time: 11 mins
Servings 1

A quick and easy breakfast doesn't get better than chia seed Greek yogurt. You can top it with whatever you like, from granola and coconut flakes to peanut butter and fruit. 

  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (or yogurt of choice)
  • 1 tbs chia seeds
  • optional: fruit topping like chopped banana, strawberries and mango or whatever you have on hand
  1. Mix yogurt and chia seeds in a bowl and let sit for ten minutes before eating. It helps to give the seeds a stir after about 5 minutes.
  2. Optional: top with fruit, granola, coconut flakes and/or peanut butter.

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