SSPS Link Party #302

SSPS Link Party #302

Welcome to this week’s link party! As a new host of the Senior Salon Pit Stop link party, I’ll be here each week with a ton of other blogs so we can see and promote each other’s work! Think: Recipes, life advice, crafts, etc…  This 

How To Reduce Arsenic in Rice

How To Reduce Arsenic in Rice

Arsenic and rice. Not a pair of words you’d want to see together. And yet, here we are. This post will explain how to reduce arsenic in rice, and why there is even arsenic there. This post is not designed to scare anyone who didn’t 

SSPS Link Party #301

SSPS Link Party #301

Welcome to this week’s link party! I have recently joined the Senior Salon Pit Stop crew as a link party host. In a link party post, you will get to see tons of other bloggers and their posts. Recipes, life advice, crafts, etc…  This is 

SSPS Link Party #300

SSPS Link Party #300

If you’re anything like me, variety is the spice of life! Like anyone, I have my favorites (especially when it comes to food), but I also have a deep love of buffets. A little bit of everything is often better than a lot of one