Casey Means, MD: Good Energy Book Review 2024

Casey Means, MD: Good Energy Book Review 2024

About a week ago now, Dr. Casey Means finally released her book Good Energy and I’m not exaggerating when I say it is, and will be, a life-changing masterpiece. I didn’t even think I’d be writing book reviews on this blog, but her book (co-authored 

How To Make Juice Without A Juicer

How To Make Juice Without A Juicer

While it’s relatively standard to keep a blender in the kitchen, a juicer is a little more niche. Juicers are a little more expensive. Bulky. Hard to clean! But say you really want to see what all the juicing hype is about. This post will 

Is Eating Burnt Food Bad?

Is Eating Burnt Food Bad?

Raise your hand if you like your toast a little extra toasty (me!!). How about a little char on your barbecue platter? And don’t even get me started on crispy French fries. But if you follow news in the health space, you may have noticed 

15 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier

15 Easy Ways To Eat Healthier

*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. If it seems like too much effort sometimes, here are 15 easy ways to eat healthier that are fast, flexible and super approachable. You don’t have to be a rockstar chef or spend your whole day 

5 BEST Ways To Improve Your Health (That Are NOT Food/Diet)

5 BEST Ways To Improve Your Health (That Are NOT Food/Diet)

Ever feel like you’re eating really healthy but kind of still feel…well, not your best? While I’m a firm believer that what you consume is one of the most important things you can do to either heal or harm your body, there are some other 

What Is A Flexitarian Diet?

What Is A Flexitarian Diet?

What Is A Flexitarian Diet? If you rolled your eyes the first time you heard the word “flexitarian,” you’re not alone. What is a flexitarian diet anyway? First there was the vegetarian diet, then there was vegan. In most of our lifetimes, we went from 

How To Reduce Arsenic in Rice

How To Reduce Arsenic in Rice

Arsenic and rice. Not a pair of words you’d want to see together. And yet, here we are. This post will explain how to reduce arsenic in rice, and why there is even arsenic there. This post is not designed to scare anyone who didn’t